Thursday, August 29, 2013

General quiz-7

4:36 PM

General Quizzing!

Q2.Who is he?

Q3.What was originally founded as the pinwheel network?

Q4.What is this?

Q5.Popular versions say this happened on August 24, 1853, and versions by the late 19th century attributed the dish to George Crum, a Native American cook  at Moon's Lake House, who was trying to please an unhappy customer.. The customer loved them.What am I talking about?

Q6.On January 10, 1899, American Electrical Novelty and Manufacturing Company obtained U.S. Patent No. 617,592 (filed 12 March 1898) from David Misell, an inventor.[ This "electric device" designed by Misell was powered by "D" batteries laid front-to-back in a paper tube with the light bulb and a rough brass reflector at the end.[ Misell, the inventor of the tubular hand-held "electric device" (flashlight), assigned his invention over to the American Electrical Novelty and Manufacturing Company owned by Conrad Hubert.How do we know this?

Q7.X's name is attributed to the city's first schoolteacher, who combined, a Dakota Sioux word for water, and, the Greek word for city.Id X

Q8.The word, reported in English since 1580, stems from a verb bibben "to drink" (c.1380), from Latin as it  reflects its purpose.Identify X.


Q10.The earliest X date back to 1500 BC and earlier. The bronze and silver X fromTutankhamun's grave in Egypt, bronze lurs from Scandinavia, and metal X from China date back to this period.Identify X.

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