1.A few of the companies under this include Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Motorola, 3M, HCL and Vodafone. What significant list are companies a part of?
Hint? : The dabbawalas are also a part of this.
Ans. Six Sigma Rating
2.The Greeks, and then the Romans, improved the recipes for X by adding abrasives such as crushed bones and oyster shells.In India, some studies suggest that people used Neem twigs for the purpose. Today, it contains high amounts of fluoride and is often branded saying it is a whitener or strengthener of the place it is applied. What product?
Ans. Toothpaste
Hint? : The dabbawalas are also a part of this.
Ans. Six Sigma Rating
2.The Greeks, and then the Romans, improved the recipes for X by adding abrasives such as crushed bones and oyster shells.In India, some studies suggest that people used Neem twigs for the purpose. Today, it contains high amounts of fluoride and is often branded saying it is a whitener or strengthener of the place it is applied. What product?
Ans. Toothpaste
3.What is the significance of this place?
Q5. What was the currency of the aztecs?
Ans. Cocoa beans!
Ans Hoshanabad, provider of Indian Currency specialized paper
Q5. What was the currency of the aztecs?
Ans. Cocoa beans!
5.What is the connection between
(This could get a but lame)
Ans. Companies named after daughter
6. Professor Rajkrishna, an Indian economist, coined the term X in 1978 to characterise the slow growth and to explain it against the backdrop of socialistic economic policies. What term or X?
Ans. Hindu Rate of Growth
7. The Bank logo represents -
— simple yet striking form, able to generate and ensure recognition.
— supporting the identity of Bank.
— consistent frame of reference.
— the square-shaped frame can be interpreted as a sign of security
and a controlled environment
Growth in a stable environment.
Which Bank?
Ans. Deutsche Bank
Ans. Deutsche Bank
8.What in Airline Jargon Stands for "CUTE" fee?
Ans. Common User Terminal Equipment fee
9.The graph represents the stocks of a company. There was a sudden drop in the stock prices of the company in the month of March(Mar8-Mar15). Which Company?
Ans. Common User Terminal Equipment fee
9.The graph represents the stocks of a company. There was a sudden drop in the stock prices of the company in the month of March(Mar8-Mar15). Which Company?
Ans. Malaysian Airlines, after the plane crash
What was founded by them?
Ans. Goldman Sachs (left Samuel Sachs, Right Marcus Goldman)
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