Sunday, April 6, 2014

Science Quiz #1

3:30 PM

Q1 .
Id X.

X investigated the gastric function of dogs, and later children,[15] by externalizing a salivary gland so he could collect, measure, and analyze the saliva and what response it had to food under different conditions. He noticed that the dogs tended to salivate before food was actually delivered to their mouths, and set out to investigate this "psychic secretion", as he called it. X laboratory housed a full-scale kennel for the experimental animals. X was interested in observing their long-term physiological processes. This required keeping them alive and healthy in order to conduct chronic experiments, as he called them. These were experiments over time, designed to understand the normal functions of animals. This was a new kind of study, because previously experiments had been “acute,” meaning that the dog went through vivisection and was ultimately killed in the process

Ans. Pavlov

Q2.Picture of?


Ans. The islamic Globe

Albert Einstein quoted about the importance of X-
"If X disappeared from the earth, man were to live only for four years"
The reason cited was : As to X and humans. About 35% of our food supply are from plants pollinated by X, birds and bats; and we can expect that those food products would be less available. Therefore the survival of X is important.
What is X ?

Ans. Honey Bees


Image depicting what?

Ans Gravitational Pathways

What is the formula calculating? 


Ans. Magnitude of Earthquake 

Q6. What effect is the water droplet experiencing here?

Ans. Leidenfrost Effect

Q7. Id the guys in the picture? 

Ans. Watson and Crick

Q8.Which word from the Arabic word for alkali i.e. Qali as this is one of the most important alkali substances to ever be discovered?


Q9.this medical condition arises when a person arises in the NREM stage of sleep.This is due to change in delta or slow wave sleep.It is called pavor nocturnus .What is this condition known to us as?

Ans.Night terror

Q10.Identify this famous man who is known for his contribution to fluid mechanics.

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