Saturday, August 18, 2018

General Quiz

8:01 PM

Q1. NASA had a collaboration where they developed hands-on educational activities, demonstrations, and exhibits centered around the flight of ____ _________ aboard the Discovery Spaceship to the ISS. This activities were designed to encourage children and young adults to pursue their dreams and develop an interest in exploration and discovery. Which famous character close to the hearts of many children did NASA take to infinity and beyond?

Q2. Pedro Flores, a Filipino student couldn’t complete his education and ended up as a bell hop. He read about a self made millionaire and his product and decided to create a seperate product based on the bandalore, which was something used by children in Phillipines for centuries. He patented this product and soon sold millions of the product. Donald F Duncan seeing the potential bought the rights for it. Which product which means “come back” in a native Filipino language is this?

Q3. The Silent Spring is a book by Rachel Carson who is a known environmentalist. Which issue did she take up in this book, which took a huge toll on the earth prior to the launch of this book in 1960s?

Q4. This is a poem written by a certain someone describing the uncomfortable conditions and difficult nature of the work he was doing. Probably one of his most famous work, who is this and what was he working on?

Q5. Who is the person in the picture? Who is the artist?

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